YSwipe - A Platform For Careers, Connections, & Community.



It is important to remember all YSwipe letters are a representation of my personal philosophies, business beliefs, and my actions towards value creation. I am only human, and will make mistakes. Assuredly these mistakes will be made on the road to providing value to others, while in the pursuit of building a great business. YSwipe aspires to be the strongest and most valuable professional connection platform on earth. Please note; I am not a strong writer. You will find mistakes alongside poor language use. These letters are not meant to flow like a professional writer, instead to convey YSwipe, its philosophy, and how we’re building our ecosystem.

Our Source of Life:

Our customers, you are our holy grail, our answers to success, our most valuable asset, and our source of life. You will now and forever be at the center of our existence. Since the inception of YSwipe, our purpose is to provide every ounce of value that is required and desired by the public and its businesses. To create a professional connection platform that gives users the best experience and enhances their life, YSwipe must have a strong feedback loop from customers, and forever have its ear to the ground listening to the people of the world. When we receive good feedback on a feature or a piece of value, we will always double down. For failures, we ensure to iterate or pivot as quickly and fearlessly as needed. It is our job as a company to capitalize on long-term value, deliver on our propositions, and ensure we continue to keep customers at the forefront of our mission. If you are reading this and you are a customer, thank you in advance, we hope to serve you for a lifetime.

YSwipe provides value to two different groups of customers; individuals and companies. When it comes to individuals, we believe in order to make the maximum number of customers happy, we have to give away as much value as possible for the lowest price. Initially, public subscriptions will be free, as a way for customers to provide feedback on any and all things related to YSwipe. As we grow, the subscription models will have more flexibility for our customers on what they can afford as an individual and will always include a free model. Depending on what kind of value individuals are looking to derive from YSwipe, user customization is at the forefront of our product delivery. We recognize there are two different styles of revenue models in business, those that work hard to raise their prices over time, and those that work hard to lower their prices over time. We are the latter.

Similarly, when working with companies our goal is to provide maximum value through customization and cost savings, while solving real problems they face. When YSwipe reaches a larger scale, it will fall under a new category design, which is explained in our Product Letter. Most enterprises and individuals may be laggards in our early stages, however, our current focus is early adopters and innovators. These are individuals and enterprises who truly seek out our solutions because it solves a real problem for them. If that is you, you have our attention. We understand that implemented correctly, YSwipe can save thousands-to-millions for enterprises depending on their size of course. More importantly, YSwipe saves users time, hiring managers time, operational time, investment time, and search time.

At our core, it is important to remember that YSwipe is a people-first platform that provides as much value to enterprises as it does to the public. YSwipe is about professional connections, and putting humans and their personalities at the forefront of their professional profiles so that we may match these personalities to the right teams. Because YSwipe is a Private Network, we can connect humans that truly need to be connected seamlessly. We know, and believe that human nature will not change and has not changed. Based on this knowledge, YSwipe will reach success if it provides value based on basic human nature. This ‘value’ is human connection. Our job is to be the leader in this space, which requires the most basic level of psychology and intuition. On that note, we will push forward in bringing the best product and platform to the forefront of society, in hopes of satisfying problems and creating value at scale. While we are a private network, and users have their own customizations with regards to privacy, we optimize for decentralization within the platform, and push for distribution of value and equality. This is important to us, and we believe companies and individuals that utilize the YSwipe platform will gain tremendous value from this foundation.

Closing Statements.

YSWIPE has been thoughtfully, carefully, and passionately curating its strategy for high-growth. How YSwipe performs and distributes value at scale is something that has been at the core of our strategy since the inception of the idea. Acting on these strategies, obsessing over customers, adapting to new technology, creating new forms of value, and surviving through downturns and competition, is at the core of our daily operations and how we will become the incumbent that remains a startup of survival. Value for value will always exist.

We will

We are your professional connection platform.

Sincerely, your Head Janitor,
Boudy Rego.

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