YSwipe - A Platform For Careers, Connections, & Community


First, if you are reading this, you are of great value to us, it means the world. So thank you in advance. We hope this letter resonates with you, and is a little reflection of who you are. It certainly is a piece of who we are.

We wrote this to address some of our philosophies as well to share quotations we reference daily. Things that keep us going, which we forget to refer back to from time to time. As humans we tend to get caught up in our daily lives and forget important grounding principles.

We are social creatures that are tribal in nature, we love connecting, building relationships, and being valued by others. YSwipe is here to accentuate this, contribute to it, and ultimately provide the tools necessary to universally grow our tribes.

All people, teams, and companies are made up of a multitude of characteristics. We, as a team, believe in giving the average human a chance to touch their hands down at the start line and tap into their potential. History tends to reward those who give, rather than take. We do not condone running the race for people, or distributing free value, but we certainly believe in giving. Plenty of icons from the past understood this. Great contributors like Jobs, Carnegie, Walton, Musk, Bezos, and Singleton, are regarded as the value creators of society. YSwipe, is embarking on this path of value disruption, knowing its decades of passion, pain, and relentlessness. Bear with us.

The Start line

Many have spoken about bringing the ‘start line’ to more of the world. The concept of building, giving, and supporting a system in which all have a chance ‘at-bat’. What individuals choose to do after that is up to them. Planting seeds for stronger competition, equality, and well-being in all industry, culture, and society…easier said than done. Regardless, we’re working on it. Please note, we believe in a meritocracy, which means we can bring you to the start line, but you still must race. Winning is earned not given.


Many incumbents have stopped innovating. As nature usually has it. This disappoints us, and is against our nature, but is also an opportunity. We understand when large companies are at a certain scale, innovation usually takes a turn for the worst. There are very few companies that are 100+ years old innovating at scale today. This will likely remain the same, as it is correlated with technology and human nature. We understand this, which is why we’ve structured innovation at YSwipe far into our future. No company lasts forever. However, with the right leadership in place, and the right balance of philosophy, we will provide maximum value and innovate far into the future, no matter the field.

One strong lesson we use at YSwipe, which we steal from Seth Godin is; some people believe society and culture is to enable business, when in fact the purpose of business is to enable culture and society. The people who abuse this have too much influence and are simply wrong. The purpose of businesses is not to enable profit for shareholders, but instead to enable humanity, solve problems, and provide a path forward. We do not forget this.

We would like to be very clear on our view of the global market and those that wish to compete with us. There is no doubt that we will provide more value. The market is ours as far as we’re concerned. Simply because we have the best value to give to customers, the community, and humans in general and we will stop at nothing to provide. We are not in favor of monopolies, unless of course they give maximum value to the public and to companies simultaneously, which contradicts itself over time. Our mode of survival is very ruthless, and will be durable in the worst of conditions. As relentless as we are, it will always be for the betterment of our customers and our relationships. If you haven’t noticed, we are entering the arena of businesses not philanthropy, which allows us to positively focus on customers. Not competition, not Venture, not Government, not Private equity, not board members. Customers. That is it.

When talking about building platforms and marketplaces, it is important to create scalable value for its users and creators. At YSwipe, giving this value back to the community and users means giving many things to those who are positively active on the platform. What does this look like? Well, we have roadmaps and execution plans for building out financial incentives and individual platforms that each user can stand on. Similar to social networks, active users and value creators can make a living here. At YSwipe, creators that build-out qualitative content can make a living. We provide a place for these users to; network, connect, educate, share, engage, build resources, invest, hire, and grow companies. Optionality and providing a platform that solves a multitude of problems is at the core of YSwipe. We believe video formats are in their infancy when it comes to platforms, interfaces, and value creation, especially in the professional space. Another key category in its infancy with regards to technology is decentralization of data, customization of privacy, profit sharing with circular value. YSwipe will provide all of these things in due time. We are a company that operates for profit while giving maximum value to all its users, in many different shapes and forms. Most will not agree with our philosophy, and laggards will certainly turn their heads at our purpose. We are not worried, nor do we care or base our growth on these groups. Value for value is something that will always exist. Many large firms have self-destructive tendencies built into their aging DNA, whether they are aware of it or not. YSwipe is here to learn from others' mistakes and capitalize on them. To this, our corporate consensus at YSwipe, is here to build a platform that is a new category design both internally and externally, solving major industry problems for individuals and companies.

While we serve our customers as they are our source of life, when it comes to investors and supporters, we act very human and are driven by our emotions. Most say, you should not be emotional in business, its dealings, and its failures. We disagree. Until business is solely done by robots, we infer that it's conducted by the most emotional living things on earth. As a race of people we are more emotional than rational, which is apparent. To be concise, we are always emotional. Those that turn us away, bet against us, doubt us, or criticize us, will not be forgotten, it's simply emotion, have no worries. YSwipe is only human, being defensive for our survival regardless of our mistakes is essential. We rarely forgive those that have contributed to our demise. Conversely, those that bet on us, see to our success, and value us, will be rewarded like no other. As YSwipe grows, we will be able to give away more value to all supporters that stood by us. And we will.

Alright, let’s get to the fun part. Quotes that mean the world to us and are referred to frequently.

We Stand On The Shoulders Of Giants

Below is a list of quotes from the greats that encompass our philosophy at YSwipe, and are pieces we keep close to our chest.

There are endless quotes to refer to and we of course reserve the right to continuously add to this list. For now though, less is more. We thank you for reading this far, and hope you enjoyed it. Feel free to refer back to this list over time as it will grow. Alright, time to get back to work. Have a great day, and thank you.

Head Janitor - Boudy

We will

We are your professional connection platform.

Sincerely, your Head Janitor,
Boudy Rego.

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