YSwipe - A Platform For Careers, Connections, & Community.



It is important to remember all letters are a representation of my personal philosophies, business beliefs, and my actions towards value creation. I am only human, and will make mistakes. Assuredly these mistakes will be on the road to providing value and helping others, while in the pursuit of building a great business. In these letters, you will find learnings from the greatest founders and value creators in history. We all stand on the shoulders of giants, let’s not forget this. With that in mind, YSwipe aspires to be, and will be the greatest professional connection platform on earth. Our purpose is to help as many people and businesses as possible. Please note; I am not a strong writer. You will find mistakes alongside poor language use. These letters are not meant to flow like a professional writer, instead to convey YSwipe, its philosophy, and how we’re building our ecosystem.

To our current and future team; the gardeners, caretakers, growers, creators and sharks, you are core to the survival and growth of YSwipe. Our goal is for you to be happy, fulfilled, challenged, and valued. YSwipe’s team structure is a new category design on company internals.

Many talk about Product-Market-Fit, few talk about Founder-Market-Fit, and even less talk about Founder-Culture-Fit. At YSwipe, Founder-Culture-Fit is about creating an ecosystem that has extreme longevity built into its DNA, which exudes greatness into the market and allows internal and external people to see value instantly. To be seen by the public as ‘the desired place’, and felt internally as ‘my forever team’ is exactly the goal.

The core of Founder-Culture-Fit at YSwipe is; decentralized value for value, two-way vesting, and contributing ideas that count. Our response to such commitments is giving outlier value in return.

Two-way vesting at YSwipe looks like time-for-time. If you donate your life hours to us, we donate paid time back unlike no other. Decentralized value for value, speaks to multiple structures and philosophies inside YSwipe, the first of which is, governance and org-structures. As you may have noticed, the founder (myself) has the title ‘Head Janitor’, not ‘CEO’. This is to push a philosophy of "individuals who keep the lights on are equally valuable as those that have “C” in their title". At YSwipe, no individual is ‘too good’ for any job or any hat. To this, YSwipe has a flat org-structure. No C-suite. In the future, there will be more decision makers, however, the environment is built so that teams are like startups that coalesce around one common goal. Each voice carries equal value, new teammates as much as tenured teammates. This does not mean ultimate decision makers don’t exist, it means the underlying culture of power is more distributed to push for trust and empowered individuals. The operations day-to-day have emphasis around contributing ideas that count, which are meaningful changes in; product, customer value, sales, marketing, technical approaches, people, moats, positioning, and overall growth.

In order to stand out in a vast sea of technology companies who supply large salaries, we compete with differentiated incentives. An example of two-way vesting is; any teammate that has given five years of their life to YSwipe, will receive a bonus equal to six months pay or have the option to take that time off with fractional work commitment. Additionally, every ten years served, will be rewarded with an entire year off or an equal salary bonus. We know, this sounds insane. Bear with us. Many will think we’re draining our resources. Well, that’s for us to know and everyone else to speculate. Both large and small companies for centuries have asked their employees to donate their entire lives in exchange for some money and a ‘comfortable’ retirement at sixty-three. YSwipe fundamentally disagrees with this. At our core, we believe life and its comforts should be enjoyed throughout. Not just at the end. This is why our team will have the option of 4-day work weeks. We give optionality to our team members because they donate their life hours to YSwipe and its purpose. What we ask in return, is each team member creates maximum value and is required to have outlier productivity. Again, no human is above any one job. With that said, we push ourselves in the areas we excel in and are passionate about. One major differentiator of YSwipe is, we plan on staying as small as possible in headcount. This is more possible now due to the growth of Artificial Intelligence, and modern technologies. We optimize for ‘two-pizza-team’ because 1. Downsizing and trimming the fat is not aligned with our philosophy and 2. The longer we can keep our team the more value we can give them and them us. YSwipe’s ability to create this value for our team, customers, and investors actually increases with this philosophy. We give first, so that we may survive and thrive long term. Beyond giving our team maximum value in return for their time and effort, having an incredibly small and powerful team may pave the way for other companies to adopt this philosophy as well. Firms that grow at all costs only to turn around and do layoffs is not a durable model. Measure twice-cut once.

YSwipe, has built a unique roadmap in profit sharing and strong incentives for our team. We want our ecosystem to flourish for decades to come, and for this to happen, our team must take part in the upside. Our ecosystem must remain healthy and strong, which is why we hire people that truly believe in our vision and want to contribute to the journey. As a founder, I am more inclined to hire someone that aligns with YSwipe and its vision, over anything else, including education and skill set. The profit sharing program delivers YSwipe profits in the form of cash payments to our team. In a world where we are addressing our true potential market size and growing; our goal is to offer long term team equity, health, education, tuition, and to help cover other valuable categories that other firms do not. This is another view on value for value. We are able to offer this because we do not/will not have a huge team that ‘grows at all costs’.

While we will be completely unique and rewarding in working hours, compensation, and vesting. The aura, ecosystem, and personality of YSwipe is that of a professional sports team and the drafting of the greatest athletes in the world. Making this team means outstanding work ethic, ability to contribute meaningful ideas, and ability to project this company into the future with your time and relentlessness. YSwipe will never look, care, or judge you based on your gender, orientation, ethnicity, creed, nationality, nor will we judge people on their past jobs, education, or background. We can’t, it’s not in our nature. Of course we care about skill sets, but we recognize that an ambitious person can learn and do anything. We assess character, charisma, communication, and overall energy. Then skill sets. As humans, we have intuition, and it is an excellent thing to use when building intimate teams. While we hope team members are able to retire after YSwipe, should they want to leave, we will be the first to assist them in their future endeavors. Wherever a teammate desires to go or what they choose to do, we will support them.

Curation of a winning mentality

YSwipe is a painting of survival and value creation for the public and its businesses. This model and philosophy gives breath to transparency, ideas, equality, and the feeling of value amongst even the newest teammates. Some of whom may not have the same level of experience as others, but they will feel valued and welcome in this decentralized system. YSwipe will not judge you on your bad ideas, but will always judge you on your good ideas. We will reward all those who try, and even more so those who succeed. Note; YSwipe is in no way a socialist-style organization or company. We are capitalists. Through and through. We believe in free-markets and creating positive change. We are utilizing capitalism for how it should be used, which is for the betterment of society and culture, while accruing capital and distributing this value to help others and our ecosystem.

When it comes to product, sales, and marketing our view is simple. Customer. Customer. Customer. Within this, our product comes first in the pursuit of serving the customer. The product pillar is for creating actual technological value, while the other two are used to generate relationships, positioning, and distribute our philosophies. We have a contrary view to the last two, as we believe quality platforms and products speak for themselves. While also recognizing the need for great marketing and sales. Build something incredible, that solves a major problem, of which people love. Then distribute it, keep your ear to the ground on satisfaction and true solving of problems, and your customers will grow. We recognize this kind of company takes many years if not decades to build. We believe zero-to-one argument is recognizing that 90% of our profits will not be made until we are many years old.

The spark of YSwipe.

Emotional is the first word to come to mind. The reason for this letter and style of language is because, I myself, was judged by hundreds of companies and people as someone that does not have the skills or experience to join their organization. While that may have been true, I had the ambition to contribute extreme value for them, which was ignored. This brought forth the realization of the industry and its state. If I can’t find a way to work for a great company, how will others? The system is broken. I have no choice but to fix it, as you (the market) have pushed me into a corner. Those who have failed in this sense, YSwipe will be handing you the bill. Perhaps not this year, maybe not next year, but that bill will come, and it will be big. Please know, we will not repeat these failures. Once again, incumbent mediocrity is our opportunity. We look forward to serving society and bringing the start line to more individuals and businesses.

Closing Statements.

YSwipe, has been thoughtfully, carefully, and passionately thought through in both its early stages, and its high-growth stages. We’ve learned and studied the best, so when we say YSwipe is frugal, relentless, and durable. We mean it. How YSwipe performs and distributes value at micro and macro scale, internally and externally, is at the core of our strategy since the inception. Acting on these strategies, obsessing over customers, curating a strong culture, adopting new technology, inventing new forms of value, while surviving through downturns and competition, is at the core of our daily existence. Losing is not an option for us. Value for value will always exist. If you plan on becoming a team member, partner, customer, or user, just know we consider you part of our Y-Team. WhY you ask? You are YSwipe, a part of our ecosystem…our community. We appreciate you and all our fellow humans. Thank you.

Head Janitor - Boudy

We will

We are your professional connection platform.

Sincerely, your Head Janitor,
Boudy Rego.

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