YSwipe - A Platform For Careers, Connections, & Community.


As a society, when we look at the execution of video mediums through social platforms as a clear form of value, it begs the question, what about the professional industry? The lack of video platform execution as it pertains to professional networks (excluding video conferencing), has left an entire industry exposed, overvalued, and underutilized. What are we talking about? The staffing industry. Incumbents have left the opportunity to be outmaneuvered by new entrants. Specifically, in profile videos, content creation, automation, and how they can be applied at scale with Neural Networks, matching algorithms, and humanistic connection interfaces. YSwipe is bringing a new category design to the professional world. We care about our fellow humans, and we believe that companies and individuals deserve a new type of platform.

The staffing market relies on application processes where the human (applicant) comes into the picture at the end, also known as the job interview. This is horrible for both companies and individuals. Aside from in-person interactions, video is the highest form of value we currently have to connect. Is there a way to bring this value to the beginning of this process? Well, let’s first acknowledge, Incumbent mediocrity is our opportunity. When we think about networking, applications, time-to-hire, recruitment costs, ATS, and the overall value being provided by the industry, the need for innovation is crucial. We’re here to provide these innovations. As a historical reference, we think about the social sector and its platforms. During the time of extreme growth at Instagram, the idea of a company coming and disrupting their market was not conceivable. Yet, TikTok came and did exactly that, by reinventing user experience and consumption. How did they accomplish this? Well, by tapping into human nature. We view the archaic gaps in the professional sector to be much worse than this, in fact, a stronger comparison is; the taxi industry pre-Uber, or search platforms in the early 90s… basically non-existent and weak. Which means, an Uber moment is going to happen at some point. But what does it look like? Well, of course we have our own view.

YSwipe vision. Our purpose is to provide value for humanistic connections and careers through videos, matching algorithms, AI assistance bots, and convolutional neural networks. We are building a human interface and experience that taps into human connection. Our goal is to give people and companies the ability to collaborate, communicate, and connect, in order to bring the start line to more humans. Saving time and money is one thing, but providing a seamless experience that gives power to people and companies is the real value. YSwipe is not simply here to change the way we source and hire. We’re here to build the network of the future. We are here to serve businesses and our fellow humans. We hope you join and connect. Thank you.

We will

We are your professional connection platform.

Sincerely, your Head Janitor,
Boudy Rego.

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