Effective Date: January 1st, 2024

YSWIPE TECH LTD is committed to providing a website and professional networking platform for careers that is accessible to everyone, regardless of disabilities. We strive to ensure that all users can access and enjoy our services in a manner that is inclusive and respectful. If you are a user that does not feel accommodated or are having issues with accessibility please reach out to us at info@y-swipe.com and we will happily accommodate you.

Our Accessibility Features:

  1. 1. Alternative Text: We provide alternative text descriptions for images and other non-text content to ensure that users with visual impairments can understand the information conveyed. Currently, not all our images, videos, and features are up to date with full accessibility. We are in the process of developing a fully inclusive environment.
  2. 2. Keyboard Navigation: Our platform is designed to be navigable using a keyboard, providing an accessible experience for users who may not be able to use a mouse.
  3. 3. Contrast and Readability: We maintain sufficient color contrast and readable font sizes to enhance the visibility of content for users with low vision or color blindness.
  4. 4. Accessible Forms: Our forms are designed to be accessible, with clear labels and instructions, and they can be navigated using assistive technologies. If there are any issues with forms please email info@y-swipe.com.
  5. 5. Consistent Navigation: We have implemented a consistent navigation structure to facilitate easy navigation for users with screen readers.

Accessibility Standards:

Our commitment to accessibility is guided by the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1, Level AA. We continuously strive to meet these standards and improve our platform's accessibility features.

Assistance and Feedback:

If you encounter any accessibility issues while using our platform or have suggestions for improvement, please contact our accessibility team at info@y-swipe.com. We welcome your feedback and are dedicated to addressing any barriers to accessibility.

Third-Party Content:

While we strive to ensure accessibility on our platform, some third-party content or links may not be fully accessible. We encourage users to contact us with any concerns related to third-party content.

Accessibility Future Improvements:

YSWIPE TECH LTD is committed to regularly reviewing and enhancing our accessibility features. We are actively working to make our platform more inclusive and accessible to all users, however, we are a new company, please give us time.

Contact Information:

If you have questions or concerns regarding the accessibility of our platform, please contact us at info@y-swipe.com.

Alternative Access Options:

If you are unable to access our platform using standard assistive technologies, we may be able to provide information in alternative formats upon request.

Review and Revision:

This accessibility statement will be reviewed and updated regularly to ensure its accuracy and relevance.

In Witness Whereof, YSWIPE TECH LTD has executed this Accessibility Statement as of the Effective Date, January 1st, 2024.



Boudy Rego - Founder | Head Janitor

January 1st, 2024

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